Sunday, January 5, 2020

Goodbye, Krabi...

Sunday was our last day at the beach. I soaked up every last bit of this beautiful place. I am just in awe of God and his love for me and the many good gifts He gives to me. Life is hard sometimes and I am forever grateful for God's goodness to me and how He cares for me in the midst of both the good and the bad. I have seen so many butterflies on this trip, which is so meaningful to me. The most special was at the top of Dragon Crest mountain yesterday. Again, just in awe of God...

If you're reading this and are in the midst of some hard stuff, know that God is with you. He never leaves us. We never understand the "why's" in the midst of the hard things, but there WILL be an end to your hard season. Of course, there may be another hard season coming, we never know what is ahead for each of us. I just want to encourage you to stay grounded and rooted in God and remember his faithfulness. He is always molding us and forming us to be more like Him. 

Kris, Silk and me shared some time together worshiping and having our own church this morning. It was a beautiful time together before we headed out to the beach.

This place is just stunning. My experience on Dragon Crest mountain yesterday was just spectacular. I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to be here. I hope there is a next time...

We are currently waiting for our airport taxi. We fly back to Bangkok tonight. This time with Kris and Silk has been so restful, refreshing and restorative. We have had so much fun together! I've loved all of the laughter and memories we have made together. I'm happy that there are still a few weeks left before I head back to the U.S.

Here are a few photos as I say goodbye from Krabi beach in Thailand.  But, the fun doesn't end here. Still have a few weeks in Ubon. Who knows what I'll get in to there...

My American breakfast at the hotel this morning. I missed my Thai breakfast...just sayin'

It was a gorgeous day today!

So stunning--one of my favorite pictures

Got one more massage on the beach. It felt great on my legs after the hike yesterday.

These them!

Riding in our tuk-tuk from the beach back to the hotel

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