Monday, January 13, 2020

Back in Bangkok

Said goodbye to Sophie and Ubon Ratchathani this morning. I hope it's not another 8 years before I visit again.


Kris and I flew back to Bangkok and will be here for a few days. We have a few ministry-related appointments here, as well as some final tourist and souvenir shopping for me.

Enjoying a thai iced tea...after not having one for 2 days!

Goodbye Ubon

Hello, Bangkok

We met up with Silk this afternoon and they took me to Terminal 21, a large shopping mall. Each floor is representative of a different country...and the bathrooms on each floor are something to see.  So, I had my first ever, "Toilet Tour" in Bangkok!

getting the sky train
 Lunch options...


Scenes at the mall...

NO! (Restaurant I got food poisoning from)


Tours of the floors of the mall, including the restrooms...


San Francisco

Ever use a "Bakery Restroom"?






More inside the mall, and outside the mall


And, really? DQ sells a full cup of whipped cream here...
 Dinner together to end our day.

I love foods that are also experiences...


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