Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Quick report...

So, it's late and we have a very early morning.  For those of you who know me well, know that I'm more of a morning person than an evening person.  And...I'm being kicked out of the lounge (lights out at 10 pm) and the Wi-Fi doesn't reach my room.  So, this update is really for the parents...

We leave early tomorrow morning for our overnight trip to Holy Mountain.  I don't know if we will have Wi-Fi there, so if you don't see an update until late Friday or early Saturday morning, please don't be worried.  It just means that I haven't been near Wi-Fi to be able to update the blog.

We had a great day today--if I get up early enough tomorrow morning, I'll try to post a blog. 

Thanks for your prayers!  Everyone is great!

Here is one photo from the church service tonight to hold you over.  :o)

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