Thursday, July 26, 2018

Organized Chaos

Wednesday felt like a few days in one...actually, a lot of our days feel like that here.  We started the day early for our 2-hour drive to Antigua.  Reina, the cook here at the hotel, came in an hour early to make us breakfast (we had told her we wouldn't be there and we would just eat cereal that she could put out for us).  What a nice surprise to find her in the kitchen when we came downstairs to eat!  She is a sweetheart!

I could probably give you many different words to describe the traffic here but I think I'll just give one--chaos!  It takes a long time to get ANYWHERE.  Two lanes are made into 3 or 4 lanes and motorcycles are squeezing in between anywhere they can.  Sometimes, people go around cars and drive the on the opposite side of the road, towards oncoming traffic!  Somehow it works.  If I can capture a photo sometime of the congestion, I will.

We finally arrived at Antigua, a beautiful town full of lots of cool architecture.  Our first stop was at Cerro de la Cruz.  A beautiful spot overlooking the city of Antigua.  It also provides great views of two volcanos -- Volcan Agua (one that just spews hot water) and another one.


There were a few walking trails around this area.  We took a bit of time exploring and this tree provided some great entertainment for the teens.  

Then we drove down into the city of Antigua and spent some time exploring there.  

in the central plaza


Some ruins we explored

Palace of the General Captains


Walking through some of the streets

Everyone passed out for our hour ride back for lunch


After lunch, we returned to church for the VBS for the community children.  We had about 50 children show up.  Can you say chaos!?  Sort of organized chaos?   We provided several "stations" for the kids to go through--a Bible story, a craft, coloring pages, relay race with water, and an area to avoid flying objects (no, it was supposed to be some organized frisbee and soccer options, but the location wasn't great, so it basically became an area where the kids just threw frisbees and kicked balls everywhere!).

It was crazy for us, but the kids LOVED it.  Loved seeing the smiling faces of the children and hear their giggling.






After our almost 2 hours doing VBS, the plan was to go directly to our BIC church plant, Iglesia De La Gracia, where Mike and Lori pastor.  Their church is only maybe 10 minutes away from the other church.  So, we all pile into the van and are on our way.  At one point, Joshua (who is sitting in the front seat) asks me if they are taking us back to the hotel, rather than the church.  He was beginning to see familiar sites.  I had also felt like it was taking us longer than I expected, but, honestly, with traffic here, it's so hard to even tell!  We realize that yes, we are going the wrong way, and quickly ask the driver to turn us around.  All in all, we got to church on time, were able to eat food they had brought in for us and quickly just change clothes for the service.

Lauren did an awesome job sharing her testimony

Joshua bringing the Word

It was a terrific day.  Many of the teens felt like it was the best day yet!  We really enjoyed the church service.  It is a small church plant, about 25 people.  The sense of the Spirit there and the love we felt was beautiful. It truly felt like family.

I have to say, too, that I am so impressed with this group of teens.  Stepping in wherever and whenever needed, willing to step out of their comfort zones, all trying new foods and experiences.  
We are all tired.  Our days are long and full.

Thank you for your prayers.  We are leaving in 5 minutes to head up the mountain for a 5-hour ride to Alamalongo.  Please pray especially over these next few days that we would all experience Jesus in a new way.  Pray for me and the other leaders as we invest in the lives of these teens.  Pray for breakthrough in areas that are needed that we don't even know about.  Pray for some sweet time of rest and connecting with God for all of us.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm praying, Vicky. Loved the picture you painted of VBS with the kids. Sounds like crazy fun! So glad to her that the teens are all doing well!!
