Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Painting and eating....then painting and eating...and repeat...

When we planned our trip to Guatemala, we thought the service projects we were going to be doing would involve painting, mixing concrete, and tying rebar.  Well...things don't always go as planned. 

I was thankful to start the day with another run.  The crew was smaller, but I'm loving the energy of these teens!

Today we completed our second and (probably) final official work day and guess what we did...more painting!  We completed all that we could with the tools and paint they had.  We improvised a few times with the ladder options.
Somebody has to supervise...


There may or may not have been a spilt small tub of paint...twice...and it didn't take long for gravity to take over!


For some reason, today was the day to give us multiple experiences with the tastes of Guatemala.  While the teens were painting, they heard an ice cream car go by and quickly ran to get some ice cream.  Shortly after that, Pastor Mynor provided us with lots of sweets and pastries to have with coffee (and I neglected to take a photo).

Maybe an hour later, Pastor Mynor told us to load up the van to head out for lunch!?  We thought we were having a late lunch today, but, nope.  We went to the same place as yesterday, but different food.  Again, it was delicious!


Upon returning to the church, we continued painting while Marcus, Josue and Pastor Mynor went to a local supermarket (which apparently was quite an experience in itself) to purchase some snacks and drinks for our VBS we plan to have for the children tomorrow.

Maybe another hour later, a member of the church stopped by with a Guatemalan snack for us to try--chicharon.  It was basically fried pork rind with some sort of radish slaw in a tortilla.  It was okay...I mean I could eat it but probably wouldn't order it, haha!  It was a really fun experience watching the teens try it and watching Pastor Mynor's reactions to it.  He was laughing at us...and then he started messing with us telling us we were eating fried rat! 



We were thankful to end our day around 4:30 to return to the hotel.  Traffic last night was terrible and it took us a little over an hour to get back.  Today was much better, much less traffic, just by leaving a bit earlier.

We will soon be having dinner and then we will be spending time again tonight with Mike and Lori.  Tomorrow is an early day and will involve a bit of sightseeing, doing the VBS for the children in the community and being part of the Mike and Lori's church service tomorrow evening. 

The weather is gorgeous here--80's during the day and 60's in the evening, no humidity.  The sun is shining and everyone is smiling. 

Thank you for all of your prayers.  Seriously, everyone is feeling great and they are all loving the different experiences.  Please pray that we continue to get good rest.  The driving and the van rides are the most challenging thing for some.  If you deal with motion sickness, it's rough!  Lots of starting and stopping and quick turns and all of the traffic doesn't help.  Pray for two members of our group who struggle with this, especially over the next few days when we have much more travel time involved.

Please continue to pray that the teens will be open to new experiences and that they will see and experience Jesus in new ways. 

Until next time....

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