Friday, July 27, 2018

Let me out of this bus!

Road trip!

This morning we left the hotel to travel to the hot springs and to have breakfast.  It was quite an experience on those winding, mountainous roads...AND...they were repaving part of the road?!  We were passing tanker trucks, dump rucks, small trucks, cars....all on a very narrow road.  Somehow it works here.  We could only take the bus so far before we were stopped because of the paving.

We almost thought we had to turn around and miss out on the hot springs completely since we couldn't take the bus up the mountain the entire way.  After much discussion, we ended up walking about 1K up the hill to be picked up by a pick up truck to take us the rest of the way.  We were the LAST vehicle allowed through and we would have to stay there for 3 hours.  This worked out perfectly!

So, we had our breakfast and then spent the next few hours swimming, lounging and talking in the hot springs.

We left to return down the mountain early afternoon.  What a LONG ride back to the much traffic.  We skipped dinner and just had snacks on the way back and ended up ordering pizza at the hotel when we got back.  I don't think I've ever seen 4 pizzas devoured so quickly!

We were in that blue bus for so long!  We were so ready to get back to the city!

All of that to say, it was a great day of many cultural experiences and the countryside was beautiful!  Enjoy the photos!

Various views along the way:


Workers harvesting in the fields:

Getting in the truck to travel the rest of the way up the mountain:

Josh wasn't so comfortable in the truck...Lauren didn't seem to have any problems

Breathtaking views


Hot springs!



  1. Looks like a classic Nicaraguan travel experience. I’m sure Josue didn’t blink an eye. Catching a “ride” up mountain roads on the back of a truck was what I did for 2 years in the Peace Corps. Exciting, fun and the best way to see the countryside. Glad you all are getting some adventure. By the way Josue can eat a whole pizza by himself. Good luck with the food! ��

  2. PS. Tell Josue his sister misses him terribly. Ben goes to his room and calls his name and points at the air with a sad face.
