Sunday, December 24, 2017


Miracles.  I used to think they didn’t happen anymore.  But, you know what, they happen every day. The breath in our lungs.  The sight in our eyes.  The sounds in our ears.  All of it, and more…all miracles.

We got our own Christmas miracle this year.  Jared is home from the hospital!  It’s amazing to think…two weeks ago, I never saw this day coming so soon.  He is feeling so good and doing so well.  There is such a blanket of peace over us.  We are grateful.

I still hate mental illness.  I still hate how it affects our family.  I still hate that Jared has to deal with it.  But, there IS help available.  Like I said before, there is no shame in asking for help.  Mental illness is the same as any other physical illness and there is help and treatment available—there is no shame in getting help!  Jared is a huge advocate now of the help he received– his experience in the hospital this time was 100x better than last time.  There IS help available and you don’t have to do it alone.

Jared and me have a lot to process together too.  He needs to understand things I’ve experienced and felt through all of this too.  We WILL talk about it.  That’s the only way we can go forward.  He knows I need to be able to trust him again. 

We still have a long road ahead of us.  We both know it won’t always be easy.  I’m sure we’ll hit some bumps as we go.  But, we are going forward together and with hope.

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