Tuesday, June 16, 2015

And...on the road again...

On Thursday morning, after breakfast, we had a short visit with Bishop Thuma and his wife.  It was a pleasure to meet them as I’ve heard much about them but never had the opportunity to meet them.  I have been communicating the Bishop Thuma quite a bit recently, so it was very nice to put a face to the name.

Meeting Bishop Thuma and his wife
After our short visit, we traveled to Sikalongo Bible Institute (SBI), about 1-1/2 hours away.  There are currently 10 students at SBI.  The entire institution functions because of giving through the BIC Partnership Handbook projects.  About ¾ of all BIC pastors in Zambia are trained at SBI.  On the same campus, there is a primary and secondary school as well.

Road trip to SBI
The road to SBI
replacing a thatch roof

Reverend Nseemani is the principal and he gave us a tour of the campus.  It was a pleasure to meet him as well—he is another leader I have been in communication with but never had the opportunity to meet. 

Sikalongo Bible Institute

N-shema prepared for lunch

a classroom

Mrs. Thomas (from the Elizabethtown, PA area) is a teacher there as well.  She hosted all 10 of the SBI students at her home for some cake and tea (except the power was out so we just had water).  We had an opportunity to visit with all of the students.  It was a great time of interaction with each of them and to hear their stories.  Some of them were completing their term and graduating in July.  They will be going back to their home villages and will be ready to serve as rural pastors.

visiting with the students

Reverend Nseemani and me

After our visit with the students, we returned back to Choma, making a stop at Wonderbake, a “coffee shop/bakery” for a Coke and some ice cream.  It was a nice treat!

Coke floats (sort of) at Wonderbake

When we arrived back at the Nahumba Guest house, Esther was there, ready to take us to Macha.  So, we jumped out of one vehicle and into another, for another 1-1/2 hour trip to Macha.  Esther and her husband, John, have served with BICWM for 26 years!  John is the doctor at Macha Mission Hospital.

Entering Macha Mission Hospital

A few weeks before my trip to Africa, I found out that there was going to be a half marathon on Zambia while I was here!  When I arrived at Macha late Thursday afternoon, I met Katie, a nursing student here from Canada, and Femka, medical student here from Holland, and joined them for a short 2-mile run.  The three of us, along with five others, will be running a half in Zambia on Saturday.  It’s going to be challenging—some sand, trails, rough terrain—but I’m super excited for the opportunity to do it!

Dr. Spurrier had prepared our evening meal—warthog stew!  It was delicious!  So…there’s another first, never had warthog before!

Since we had such a long day of travel, we had a nice quiet, evening and early to bed.  We have an early start in the morning for our day at Macha.

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