Thursday, February 21, 2019

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

On Thursday morning, got in a run in Zwickau.  It was a nice running path along the water, even had a covered bridge.  Germany feels so similar to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  Although I’m tired and my feet hurt, I’m always gonna get up for a run, especially if it’s in another country!  I’ll rest when I get home…yeah, probably not.


We met the Lighthouse team at a local café for breakfast.  I enjoyed the sites along the way. 





On our way there, M mentioned that when we checked in to the hotel yesterday, he had asked the owner for some breakfast recommendations (the man was a bit grumpy).  He said, “they’re Americans, just go to McDonalds!”  Haha!  That is the last place I want to go when I’m traveling or in another country!  I love to experience the culture wherever I go. 

The breakfast was delicious.  Lots of breads, croissants, marmalades, Nutella, eggs, yogurt, and I had a white hot chocolate that was pretty tasty.  We spent some time visiting with Pastor Henry.  He is the pastor of the City Light church, where F attends.  He shared some of his dreams and goals for the future of the church and he also shared his passion to raise up young leaders. 


The Lighthouse ministry is small, but the opportunities are many.  German speakers are a plus, but not necessary.  It was a blessing to be an encouragement to this team.  I left feeling encouraged and excited for ways we can get involved. 

After breakfast, we walked around town for a bit and visited St. Mary’s Cathedral of Zwickau.  


Then, the team took us to see the City Light church. The church is actually in an old Audi manufacturing building.   Jewish people actually worked in the plant during WWII.  There is so much history in the city. 



After leaving the church, as we walked back toward our car, F asked if we had ever eaten horse.  J, W or me had not so he wanted us to experience it.  So, we did….something like jerky.  Except, it wasn’t dried very much so was like eating raw meat.  I didn’t like it at all.  So, I don’t have to do that again.


We left early afternoon to drive back to Leipzig.  After returning our rental car, we switched to the train station and prepared to board our train to Hamburg.

I really enjoy train travel.  We had our own little compartment and we were able to all catch up on a bit of work, except for W since she’s retired.  She was enjoying reading her book.  J  I was having problems with the Wi-Fi connection, so I broke out my coloring.

We have arrived in Hamburg!

This trip has been such a great experience….lots of learning.  Honestly, I am getting tired.  My brain feels like it is fried—taking lots of notes.  Thank you for your prayers.  The cold never came to be…I’m believing I caught that in time.  I’m drinking lots of water and juice and I am resting well. 

Pray that I’ll continue to have the strength as we wind down this last portion of our trip.  We will be in Hamburg through Saturday.  I’m looking forward to seeing another portion of Germany, as well as meeting more people doing some great work.

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