Monday, January 23, 2017

A very special day...

Our day on Monday began with breakfast at the hotel and then we were taken to the BIC church in Purnea.  When we arrived, the rest of the team visited Noel's school while Pam and I walked to Joel's home.  

Poonan and Sona dressed us in our saris for the day.  They had asked if we would want to wear one the day before, and we said, yes, of course!  The fabric was just beautiful and they did choose a beautiful color for me to wear.  I felt like I was getting dressed for a wedding.  I had thought there was so much fabric already with the other clothes I had been wearing, but THIS was a lot of fabric. They just kept wrapping and pinning.  I decided then that I was going to do my best to avoid using the toilet all day!  (haha!)

Once we were ready, we walked down the road to join the others at church.  Our friends there were so happy to see us in their traditional dress.  The church service was to start at 10, but may have started at 11 or 11:30.  Our Nepali friends were traveling to join the service and had some trouble on the road--nothing serious, just that it was too foggy at some points that the driver couldn't see anything.

The service began with a processional of the church leaders and the three pastoral couples who were being ordained as ministers for the BIC.  One of the pastoral couples is the first Tibetan couple to be ordained into the BIC.  The entire service was very meaningful and celebratory. At one point, Joel invited Pam and I to the stage to be introduced.  (We weren't expecting this.)  He shared about our roles in the missions office in the US and our role with SPICE.  He commented about our Indian dress and how we are now part of the family and were given Indian names -- Vicky Hembrom and Pam Soren.  He said many other things, but one thing he called out about me was that I was the "mother of the SPICE children."  Wow...what a very meaningful moment for me.  For those of you that know the story of Jared and me, you know what this meant.  God just continues to redeem so many things in our lives...

it was so fun to see our friends from Nepal again

Sona and Poonan are the two in front with me--they helped Pam and I get dressed and the saris were borrowed from Poonan

Lunch was served (for 400 people today!) and then we walked down the road to the Purnea girls hostel where the remainder of the day would take place.  When we arrived, they greeted us and welcomed us with a traditional welcome dance and processional.  A row of girls on each side of us, all of us in the middle, as they danced and walked us in.  It felt very much like a wedding...but this is THEIR tradition and their way of welcoming.  

Tom is so sick of me taking photos, haha!

After our introduction, the program began.  This is a rare occasion when all 3 hostels come together - Purnea girls, Barial boys, and Bahnmanki boys.  They each shared songs, dances, skits, and testimonies.  They did such a good job!  So much fun!  And..almost a 3 hour program!  Of course, we were served tea at one point, too.  Joel invited me to the front to share some words with the children. I wasn't expecting or planning this, but was able to share some love and encouragement with them. It was actually a very emotional time for me.

As darkness set in and the mosquitos came out, the program began to wind down.  Then, of course, we broke into some dancing.  So much have them teach me their worship dances.  My heart is full...

Tuesday we will have an opportunity to meet with the SPICE committee of leaders here.  Then, if all goes well, we will be taking the overnight train tonight back to Delhi.  Please pray that the train is not delayed too much.  We have been told, that the trains have been very delayed due to the fog.  Pray that our train ride is a good, cultural experience, and safe.

Wednesday night will be spent on a plane flying back to the US.  

Please continue to pray for good health for all of us, and recovery of colds for now five of the team.  I am still doing well and would like it to stay that way.  Thanks for following along!  I'll post again when I can.

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