December 21 is Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Really? Not for us. December 21 was the longest day of the year. We left Ubon on December 20 at 5 pm and arrived in Bangkok at 7 pm. We left Bangkok at 3 am on December 21 and flew to Doha (7 hour flight) and then on to Philadelphia (15 hour flight) and arrived in Philadelphia at 3 pm on December 21. Time zone travel is the weirdest thing.
Here are some final memories from our trip. Thanks for following along.
During our time in Thailand, for those of us riding in the back of the truck, we learned early on in the trip that sunglasses are super helpful whether day or night. It helps keep the dust out of our eyes as we travel. Earlier in our trip, when me, Jadyn and Leah were riding in the back, this photo was taken without our knowledge.
Well, on Wednesday night as we were driving home from the village, a second photo was taken of us without our knowledge. Lol!
The photos just screamed "album cover." So, here are the "Salted Crickets" comin' at you from Ubon Ratchathani.
On Friday, after the last school program, we returned to the hotel to have a few hours of down time
and to get packed up. We said our goodbyes to Pawn and she also gave us a
little gift.
During the downtime, Krista and I went to Big C for some last minute snacks to take home and we got some fruit slushies.
We left our luggage at the hotel and we walked down the street for lunch.
The owner was so happy to see us again! She gave us extra food- papaya salad and spring rolls. We also had rice ball pudding again. On our walk back to the hotel, Kris and Silk treated us to fresh fruit from the fruit cart - papaya, pineapple, guava. There were some dipping options, some sort of plum sugar, plain sugar and one with chili peppers for the guava.
When we got back to the hotel, I tried to pay the hotel bill. Both of my cards wouldn't work and Kris' didn't either. We were thinking maybe it was a sign that we were not supposed to leave! So we determined I would have to get more baht at the ATM. We left our luggage at the hotel after checking out and drove to the Albino Water Buffalo coffee shop. What a beautiful setting!! We ordered our drinks and then went out to visit the water buffalo while the drinks were being prepared.
As we were walking back, we saw the owner of the farm. His name means "Purpose." His son owns the coffee shop. Purpose was walking very hunched over to take us further into the farm to see more water buffalo. As we visited briefly with him, we asked of we could pray for him. We prayed for him and he said he felt lighter and stronger. And he was standing straight! As we walked back to the coffee shop with him, he was walking standing straight up!
We thought we were done with ministry but God had one more appointment for us. Actually, it's a reminder to us again, always be ready and looking for those God appointments.
The team spent some time processing and debriefing with Kris
and Silk. We had such a great trip and our team has really bonded. One of
the team members mentioned they were not expecting such a strong bond.
It's such a beautiful thing.
On our way back to the hotel, we stopped at Big C for the
ATM. It took 3 times for my card to work in the machine (I had already used it
at that machine multiple times during our trip). Silk and I prayed and then the
card worked!
We got back to the hotel, paid our bill and made our way to
the airport. T* (another church member) met us at the airport
to give us gifts and send us off with blessings. Seriously, the Thai team
and church members have blessed us so much.
We said goodbye to Kris and Silk (and forgot to take a final photo with them!). But, you can enjoy this silly video..."we are family!"
Our flight to Bangkok ended up being delayed for 30 min. The flight is only 55 minutes but we were served a meat/pastry snack and water and then tea and coffee were served!? That certainly doesn't happen in the US. Fastest service ever!
We checked in for our flight at midnight on Friday. Flight left at 3 am on Saturday morning (Thailand time).
Another random thing to share with you, in case you were wondering. You may have noticed in some of the photos all of the various hand gestures shown. Well, they do this for EVERY photo...
- "Go like" -- thumbs up
- "mini heart" - two fingers form a mini heart
- "Yay" - fist pump
Sometimes there are other facial expressions, but those are the main three.
This trip was amazing. I could not have asked for a better team to serve with. So much love for all of them.
We shared in 8 schools. We shared with close to 1000 people (students and teachers). That means that many people heard the Gospel messages and the true meaning of Christmas. We connected with all 9 house churches, some were combined. God is so good.
Here are some reflections from the team that I heard throughout the trip:
"Incredible graciousness in the way we were blessed by the Thai team and all of the people we connected with."
"Amazing how well teachers received us and how they stayed for the program. We were very clearly sharing the gospel. We were able to share with and influence so many young children."
"It was such an honor to be used by God."
"It was cool to see how God put our team together and every day, every testimony was lined perfectly without us trying (fitting the audience--whether in the church or school). The entire trip was truly God-ordained."
"Amazed at even in the midst of our busy schedule and sharing in so many schools, we were still able to see so many miracles and God at work."
"The Lord moved. Just thinking about the fact that close to 1,000 people heard the Gospel message AND we witnessed two healings...we prayed and He answered! He did more than we could ever ask for. God did an intense work while we were here!"
As a final thought to all of you, my readers, thank you for your continued prayers and support during our time in Thailand. We had safety in all travel. Everyone remained in good health (until the last day one ended up with a bad cold). So many lives were touched and YOU were also part of that.