Sunday, December 23, 2018


Psalm 34:19 – The righteous person faces many troubles but the Lord comes to the rescue each time. (New Living Translation)

Reflective. Grateful. Thankful. At peace.

One year ago today is when Jared returned home after his 3-week stay at the hospital.  This verse has meant a lot to me over the years.  Through all of life’s challenges, this has always held true.  The Lord does rescue EVERY time!

Rescuer. Comforter. God with us.

As I get older, I feel like I become more reflective.  I am reflecting on God’s goodness in my life.  This Christmas season, both me and Jared are in awe of God and his love for us.  Of course, life hasn’t always been easy, and we have had many challenges and hardships and sadness…but God rescues us EVERY time! 

I am one of those people who believes that all things happen for a reason.  We will never understand this side of heaven the “why” but we can know that God will always be there for us and give us the strength needed to get through anything.  I am so thankful for my strong roots of faith. 

As I reflect on the last year, since Jared’s return home from the hospital, I am just amazed at how well he has done!  I was truly given a gift last year…I got my husband back.  He’s back healthier than ever before!  We have had to adjust to new “normals” many times throughout our marriage and this last year was no exception.  It has been such a joy for me to have my best friend back and to be able to truly share life together again.  I never thought we would ever be where we are today.  So thankful.

I am so thankful for the gift of Jesus.  The gifts of peace and strength I have been given are not taken for granted.  The many friends around me, supporting me always, is a gift.  My amazing family always supporting me, is a gift.  The love and support Jared gives me, is a gift. I have already received all of the gifts I need.  My heart is full and happy.

Of course, I don’t know what is ahead for me or us.  Nobody knows that. All I know is that God will give me the strength I need to do whatever is put in front of me, AND, he will always be there to rescue me.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Home...and some final reflections

We joined Pastor Mynor and his team at church on Sunday morning for breakfast before going to the airport.  Joshua and I had a great time of debriefing with Pastor Mynor (through Ana, the translator) about our week.  It was a really helpful time of discussion and processing together. 

Our team really enjoyed our week and the many cultural experiences.


me, Ana, Rita (Mynor's wife), Mynor

After breakfast, Mynor said we had a little bit of time before we had to go to the airport and he asked if we would like to go to a local park and see a map of Guatemala.  I said, sure, not having any idea of what he really meant, I mean, were we just going to look at a map on a sign?  Well...nope, it was a large scale, 3-D map.  Pretty cool.  It was fun to pick out the areas we had visited.


We made our way to the airport and said our final goodbyes.

Leaving Guatemala...until next time...


It was a LONG day of travel, several delayed flights.  I finally crawled into bed around 4:30 am on Monday morning (having left Guatemala at 2 pm on Sunday). 

So much to be thankful for.  Here are some final reflections, highlights and favorite memories of the week from the teens:

  • Getting to the top of Holy Mountain
  • Hot springs
  • Praying at Holy Mountain
  • Youth Event at Hosanna BIC
  • Dumping an entire can of paint
  • Trying new foods
  • Really long bus rides (kidding....)
  • Mike and Lori's church
  • Climbing the ruins in Antigua
  • Hanging out with all of the teens
  • Jam sessions -- our band and choir
  • Market
  • Riding on the back of the truck
  • Singing "in the jungle" on the back of the truck
  • Zip lining 

Thanks for praying for us and the teens!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

We think...

Each day of our trip, we started our day (or if we couldn't start the day, it was at another point in the day) with team devotions and prayer and discussing the proposed plan for the day.  Each of the teens were assigned a day to provide the devotional.  They did a terrific job!  Many of the verses they shared and their thoughts about them, resonated with each of us. 

Saturday started out with our usual team devotional and meeting with an outline of what we expected the day to look like.  As I shared with them what we expected to do, I realized I was saying "we think" quite a bit.  Basically, everything we thought we were going to do on this entire trip or how we thought it would go, never went the way we thought it was going to go.  Literally...everything.  I knew it would not all go as planned, and had told the group that could be the case, but this trip was, by far in all of my experiences, the one that had the most changes to the schedule.  Everyone did great with it and were flexible and respectful in the process.  And...we still had a great week full of many cultural experiences.

Saturday morning, we spent time at the local market to shop for some souvenirs.  We had lunch at our usual place in the city. 

Trying a sample of local cheese....they didn't like it...


After lunch, we went to a park nearby to spend some time prayer over our teens.  It was a beautiful time of praying God's blessings and affirming each of them in their gifts.  We gathered in a circle and one at a time, each teen stepped into the center of the circle to be prayed for.  This was the start of something even more beautiful as the day went on.

The youth event was to start at 3 pm.  Our van was to meet up with the big blue bus (and we hoped and prayed we didn't have to get back on that bus!).  Pastor Mynor was picking up several people and Mike and Lori were with him with their youth from church.  After our time in the park, our van drove to a certain point and waited alongside the road to meet up with the bus.  Finally, the bus was in view and we pulled in behind them to follow them the rest of the way.

We never knew where we were going (because, of course, we're not familiar with the area) and we never knew how long it would take to get there.  Traffic!  Can I just say that I really, really dislike traffic?  It's the worst here, even worse than Los Angeles!  Really, because there seem to be no rules and it's a "free for all" to everyone.  Somehow it works, but it took us maybe 1.5 hours to get there (and only 40 minutes to get back later!?).

We finally arrive to the youth event, only maybe 45 minutes late, and they were just starting.  Time is not relevant here.  When we came in, there was an awesome worship band playing and a room full of youth.  Originally, we had thought we may play some music with a guitar and cahone, but when we walked in to this amazing band, well, let me just say it was a humbling experience.  Both Joshua and I felt "what are we doing here, and what can we say to these youth?  Someone here would do a much better job in sharing with them...."  Of course, those were lies...the enemy was already at work trying to bring me down.

Again, we had no idea how the service was going to go.  Basically, it went like this...4-1/2 hours...

  • the awesome worship band
  • some prayer and announcements
  • my sharing time, on being used in your brokenness
  • my "thoughtful/serious" message followed by a clown?
  • then a really cool painting demo/worship
  • offering
  • Josue sharing his testimony - he did awesome!
  • Joshua's preaching - he nailed it!
  • more singing, and then...
  • basically an awesome concert by a local Christian artist
  • then some amazing time of prayer and the Spirit moving...really moving!


The entire evening was pretty awesome, when I didn't let the enemy get in my head.  I was wrestling with the "order of service" and if I had known what they would be doing in the program, I may have chosen something else to share.  So many doubts began to set in.  I quickly pulled Lori aside to process some of my feelings with her immediately.  I told her to tell me if what I was feeling was just "my American culture and to just get over it" she should tell me.  I was feeling like what I shared wasn't appropriate and doubting whether it resonated at all.  Seriously, the enemy was really working on me.  She quickly affirmed what I shared and how we don't know who it spoke to, but God would use it.  And, as far as the "order of service," I had to let that go...that was just my American culture getting in the way.

So, we rejoined the concert and worship and it was beautiful.  Many youth were prayed for, some of ours were prayed for as well.  The Holy Spirit was moving in mighty ways and many prophetic words were spoken.  We had some more time praying over each of our teens as well.  God is moving in the lives of our youth!!  Praise God!  Continue to pray for them as they process the amazing, new experience from last evening.

As the evening ended, we were served some food.


As we were preparing to leave the event, Pastor Joshua was pulled aside to be interviewed on live TV for a Christian TV show in Guatemala!  Josue was part of it, of course, for translating.  The clown was was supposedly a comedic TV show...such a strange and unexpected experience!?  Then, we thought we we leaving, but they asked ME to also be interviewed on the show?  So strange...but good.  It was in that time, through the two women who were interviewing me, when God revealed to me that what I shared DID resonate with the group.  The women shared with me how blessed they were and encouraged by what I had shared.  God is so good.


Apparently, we can watch the TV show in 2 weeks on You Tube.

On our drive back to the hotel, we spent some time talking about things they had seen and heard and what all of it meant.  Every single one of the teens was touched and moved during the service.  I shared with them my time of vulnerability and doubt when I shared with Lori.  They were shocked and couldn't believe I would have thought what I did.  It was a good teaching time of how the enemy can take over our thoughts and how we must constantly work at turning our thoughts to Christ and truth!  Many of the teens also said that what I shared really resonated with them and they really appreciated it.  So...there you go...

This morning, we'll be leaving the hotel around 8 am (we think) to go to Pastor Mynor's church where they will serve us breakfast before taking us to the airport for our long journey back to the U.S.

Thank you for following our time here.  Thank you for your prayers.  God is so good!  We praise God for the good health for the group!  The weather has been beautiful.  The cross cultural experiences for the group have been many.  Every single teen was touched by God this week.  Pray that God continues the work he has begun this week in each of our lives.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Let me out of this bus!

Road trip!

This morning we left the hotel to travel to the hot springs and to have breakfast.  It was quite an experience on those winding, mountainous roads...AND...they were repaving part of the road?!  We were passing tanker trucks, dump rucks, small trucks, cars....all on a very narrow road.  Somehow it works here.  We could only take the bus so far before we were stopped because of the paving.

We almost thought we had to turn around and miss out on the hot springs completely since we couldn't take the bus up the mountain the entire way.  After much discussion, we ended up walking about 1K up the hill to be picked up by a pick up truck to take us the rest of the way.  We were the LAST vehicle allowed through and we would have to stay there for 3 hours.  This worked out perfectly!

So, we had our breakfast and then spent the next few hours swimming, lounging and talking in the hot springs.

We left to return down the mountain early afternoon.  What a LONG ride back to the much traffic.  We skipped dinner and just had snacks on the way back and ended up ordering pizza at the hotel when we got back.  I don't think I've ever seen 4 pizzas devoured so quickly!

We were in that blue bus for so long!  We were so ready to get back to the city!

All of that to say, it was a great day of many cultural experiences and the countryside was beautiful!  Enjoy the photos!

Various views along the way:


Workers harvesting in the fields:

Getting in the truck to travel the rest of the way up the mountain:

Josh wasn't so comfortable in the truck...Lauren didn't seem to have any problems

Breathtaking views


Hot springs!