Psalm 34:19 – The righteous person faces many troubles but the Lord comes to the rescue each time. (New Living Translation)
Reflective. Grateful. Thankful. At peace.
One year ago today is when Jared returned home after his 3-week stay at the hospital. This verse has meant a lot to me over the years. Through all of life’s challenges, this has always held true. The Lord does rescue EVERY time!
Rescuer. Comforter. God with us.
As I get older, I feel like I become more reflective. I am reflecting on God’s goodness in my life. This Christmas season, both me and Jared are in awe of God and his love for us. Of course, life hasn’t always been easy, and we have had many challenges and hardships and sadness…but God rescues us EVERY time!
I am one of those people who believes that all things happen for a reason. We will never understand this side of heaven the “why” but we can know that God will always be there for us and give us the strength needed to get through anything. I am so thankful for my strong roots of faith.
As I reflect on the last year, since Jared’s return home from the hospital, I am just amazed at how well he has done! I was truly given a gift last year…I got my husband back. He’s back healthier than ever before! We have had to adjust to new “normals” many times throughout our marriage and this last year was no exception. It has been such a joy for me to have my best friend back and to be able to truly share life together again. I never thought we would ever be where we are today. So thankful.
I am so thankful for the gift of Jesus. The gifts of peace and strength I have been given are not taken for granted. The many friends around me, supporting me always, is a gift. My amazing family always supporting me, is a gift. The love and support Jared gives me, is a gift. I have already received all of the gifts I need. My heart is full and happy.
Of course, I don’t know what is ahead for me or us. Nobody knows that. All I know is that God will give me the strength I need to do whatever is put in front of me, AND, he will always be there to rescue me.